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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 59 (424)

Productive day aside from disappointment and frustration ( which began to show in the project I completed at work - which I've been working on over the course of several years ).
Today's creature is a bit of a mystery - tee hee.
Peace and fabulousness.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 (423)

One of the benefits of the day was having so many groups on fieldtrips, I was able to make serious progress on 2 projects I'm creating for the school.  Finished one and huge progress on the other.
Unfortunately there was one offputting part of the day that left me really disappointed and grrr, but a good run at the gym helped.
The creature I was going to make, I decided against since I teach kindergarten tomorrow and they look forward to my creatures. So made this bird instead.
Peace and fabulousness.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 57 (422)

Great day of teaching, great workout as well.  Tuesdays are crazy busy but really am enjoying them.
Not sure what today's creature is besides elephant just is what it is.
Peace and fabulousness.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56 (421)

Not sure if Monday could be any more Mondayish....
Peace and fabulousness.

Day 55 (420)

What a nice Sunday.   It was sad to hear Pastor Dwight give his final sermon.  I will miss his passion and wisdom.
Did a weird paper piece, a little distracted by the NPR program I was listening to about violence in school.  Just brook my heart, so that's probably why this one turned out a bit odd. Wasn't fully focussed on it.
Peace and fabulousness!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 54 (419)

Great Saturday at the gym and hanging with my dear friends Matty, Jeff and Randy.
Did a papercut, it just sort of appeared.
Peace and fabulousness.

Day 53 (418)

Long day, but Friday! Ended with greenies and coworkers!  So just did a simple pen and ink.
Peace and fabulousness.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 52 (417)

So hoping it doesn't snow as much as they are predicting My car doesn't drive well in it and the idea of shoveling at 5:40 am does not appeal to me.
Did a fish, inspired by the rainbow fish I'm having the 1st graders make.
Peace and fabulousness.

Day 51 (416)

Did my creature for the day but didn't post! Thought of this one while listening to a report on an eagle's nest cam.
Peace and fabulousness.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50 (415)

Today's creature turned out much different than originally I had envisioned.  I think it was due to finding this purple paper, maybe tomorrow I'll do the original bird I thought of....or not. :)
It was nice to be caught up at work to the point where I can be creative at work now too. It's a good place to be, especially for the students who have the chance to experience someone else working through the creative process.
Peace and fabulousness.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 49 (414)

This is another piece that just called to me.  Sometimes paper is to me as clay is to a sculptor.  The piece is there, I just need to cut away what isn't part of it.  This one is a bit Tolkien. Not sure why it's sad, just is.
Nice to have a Monday off, got to hit the gym early and now time to read and be creative. Yay
Peace and fabulousness.

Day 48 (413)

After a restless night of vivid, disjointed, odd, repetitively frustrating dreams, the day was remarkably alright. Yay!
Tonight's creature just came about as I cut through bits of scrap paper. She feels like she missing something, maybe it'll come to me later.
Peace and fabulousness.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47 (412)

After the gym, errands, window shopping at MOA, and domestics, I did this creature.  He came to me out of some background music on a program I was listening to on MPR. The legs came out of that.  The chain of hearts were an after thought when I finished it.  It just felt incomplete and this paper chain of hearts was the only thing that made sense.
Peace and fabulousness.

Day 46 (411)

After an unexpected extra breakfast duty and an enjoyable morning of teaching, spent many hours of playing catch up and cleaning in my classroom.  So being wiped out I just did this paper piece.  It was among some sketches of creatures to do for last week.  It was only one not done, so I thought why not.  Why not indeed.
Peace and fabulousness.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45 (410)

After a dreamed filled night, woke up to the radio announcer saying it was Valentine's Day and the day proceded from there.  Did get to the library which was a highlight and got a cookie from the cashier from SA. 
Glad the day is over.
Peace and fabulousness.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 44 (408)

Very productive day.... Amazing what can get done when one unplugs from the world a bit.  Another gorgeous day so had to go for a walk and take it all in.
So excited, over 1000 student art pieces are now on Artsonia for this school year!
Today's piece came about from leftover pieces.
Peace and fabulousness.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43( 408)

What a day of much done it went like a blur.  Plus the weather outside was sunny and 36 degrees! Love it!
Peace and fabulousness.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42 (407)

Monday Monday.  Nice to have a visiting artist, 30 hour massage instead of the 15,minute one and tons of yarn cut for the .3rd graders.   The drive into work wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Did a pen and ink during a difficult staff meeting.
Peace and fabulousness.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41 (406)

It was my volunteer day at church. Driving there was not too bad, but driving home 4 hours later not as fun, especially with 4-wheel drivers tailing. Freezing rain, sleet, snow, slush, ice.  Life in a Minnesota winter.
Peace and fabulousness.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40 (405)

Got to the gym, realized I oopsed my budget, did some cleaning, caught up with mom, looked up recipes and blah, blah, blah...teeheehee. :\
It was fun to see all the creatures I've made thus far all over my attic railing.  
Peace and fabulousness.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39 (404)

Friday. Got caught up on a lot of school stuff.  Still getting harassing calls from psycho person I don't know.,,so bizarre.
Peace and fabulousness.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38 (403)

A much more "normal" day, other than crabby 1st graders and getting to go "The Book of Mormon".,,, so excited haven't gone out and done anything I think since my birthday.  
When showing the past 2 days creatures to my younger students I told them the pink one was eating a " candy heart".,, lol
Peace and fabulousness!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37 (402)

What a surreal day! Left this morning to find the next block cordoned off with by police, left work and realized I forgot my phone, got home to no electricity and while shoveling the front saw multiple cop cars and a SWAT team up the block.  Fun.
Peace and fabulousness.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36 (402)

Ooooo doggie. Active day with lots of students painting topped of by having to stay an hour late for a meeting, but luckily I sat other people with outrageous enthusiasm.  ;)
No headache today......just tired
Peace and fabulousness!

Day 35 (401)

Students today were off!  They must have been up to late watching the Superbowl.
The president was in the city just 5 blocks from my house.  Didn't get to see him, but it was interesting to see all the security and such.  Very cool.
Did a paper bird...
Peace and fabulousness.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33 ( 399)

The fluffy snow from yesterday looked sooo pretty and it was easy to shovel.  What a beautiful winter day. Drew out 3D city block for my 5th graders and made this paper creature.
Peace and fabulousness.

Day 32 (398)

Another Friday....another headache.   Grrr.  Oh well, it is the weekend.
Did a butterfly ant out of paper.
Peace and fabulousness!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 31 (397)

Thursday and cold!
Did a teddy bear that looks like it was made of wall paper.
Peace and fabulousness