Fridays are going to be rough. 4 straight hours with 5 different classes, which includes kindergarteners.
Crazy. Glad its a 3 day weekend.
Peace and fabulousness.
I took on the challenge of being creative at least once a day for the year 2012 using color. Looking back at all the pieces from 2012, I realized the ones that stood out and gave me the most joy, were the creatures (sad frog, the monsters,...) 2013 was the year of creatures. This year (2014) I'm continuing with the creatures but making them around the theme of children's stories/nursery rhymes. When all the characters are finished, I'll assemble them into a story picture.
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Friday, August 30, 2013
Day 242 (607)
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Day 241 (606)
Thursday's are a trip.... So many little kids! I always forget how young the kindergarteners and 1st graders are....
Peace and fabulousness.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Day 239 (604)
Second day of school. Tuesday's are going to be a mixed bag of fun and Cray Cray.
Peace and fabulousness.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Day 238 (603)
First day of school! Today went well! Yay! But it is hot! So glad I got a new a/c in my classroom! even with it still warm, but grateful! Whew.
Today's piece almost a 2 in 1.
Peace and fabulousness.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Day 237 (602)
Last day before the 1st day of school. I think I'm ready!
Happy birthday to my awesome dad! I love ya!
Peace and fabulousness.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Day 236 (601)
A great day in Cologne with my folks and my baby nieces. They are so cute.
Not my best but it'll do. Sorry.
Peace and fabulousness.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Day 235 (600)
I can't believe I've been doing this for 600!! days!!
My classroom is 98% ready for Monday's school start. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do.
Spent some time at the hospital visiting my uncle Phil. Got to see my awesome cousins, parents and my godmother & uncle. It was so nice to see them, but not under these circumstances. My uncle is so amazing. He worked for decades without taking a sick day in a very physical job. This bites.
Peace and fabulousness.
Day 234 (599)
Long day of meetings! Then off to the MN State Fair. I had one student get a blue ribbon, 3 got red ribbons, 3 white ribbons and 2 honorable mentions for their art work! I choked up with pride. Our best placing to date!
Peace and fabulousness.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Day 233 (598)
Finally I got a day in my classroom to get it ready for next week's first of school. Got most of it cleaned and ready. Got home to find the problem house (not the empty one) being boarded up and car being towed.
Interestingly hopefully yet sad.
Peace and fabulousness.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Day 231 (596)
Long day and evening of registrating families for the new school which starts in a week!
Peace and fabulousness.
Day 232 (597)
Nice day helping at a golf benefit for our school. Met some nice people and rode a golf cart!
Peace and fabulousness.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Day 229 (594)
Day of shopping and such...such. Had an awesome encounter with a hummingbird tonight. A minute of one on one eye contact. I heart nature and birds.
Peace and fabulousness
Friday, August 16, 2013
Day 227 (592)
Spent time on a school bus and at teacher's retreat. This day is suppose to set the tone for the year.....interesting tone.
Keepin it simple.
Peace and fabulousness.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Day 226 (591)
Last day of summer break. It went so fast and I don't feel reset yet. Tomorrow is our retreat day in Farmington.
It'll be interesting what this year will hold.
Peace and fabulousness.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Day 225 (590)
Empty house, empty heart, empty life. Trying to find my muse, my joy, my purpose. Did see a hummingbird and watched birds enjoying the thrills of a sprinkler. Naturally. Serene.
Peace and fabulousness
Day 224 (589)
Really tired of the Ambien affect, cr8 a painting, wreck it, fix it, wreck it...
Brought all 65 student art pieces to be entered into the State Fair. So exciting.
Echoing shades of ....
Peace and fabulousness
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Day 223 (588)
Sunday of habits and selfish intent. Trying to find my muse, self and place. Got all but six student pieces prepped and ready for entry into the MN State.
Peace and fabulousness.
Day 220 (585)
Another foggy day not sure if I ate or not or what i did ...beyond frustration
Peace and fabulousness
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Day 222 (587)
Saturday - Farmer's market, a good book in the gardens, an undercurrent of stress.
Peace and fabulousness.
Day 221 (586)
Finally finished the one flower bed. Loving these mild summer days.
Having internet problems with the phone, so getting behind in the posts being published. Though it may be a sign of the current state of life. Grey.
Peace and fabulousness.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Day 218 (583)
Very summery day. Had an hour and a half massage thanks to mystery person @ReVamp Salon and Spa then ok meal @The Republic.
Followed by great storms.
Peace and fabulousness
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Day 216 (581)
Peace and fabulousness.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Day 214 (579)
Saw some amazing art at the Uptown Art Fair today, which was a bit frustrating. Am in a creative/ life funk.
Almost forgot to do a creature today! Oops.
Peace and fabulousness.
Day 213 (578)
Got out again and road tripped to Anoka. Interesting.
Best part came home to see abandoned house next door, front door locked and back windowed boarded.
Peace and fabulousness.
Day 212 (577)
Nice day exploring IKEA and MOA with a movie "Wolverine".
Just needed to get out of the house and neighborhood.
Peace and fabulousness.