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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 91 (1187)

1st full day back after almost a week in New Orleans.  2nd time in row after a recent trip where the phrase so good to be home hasn't applied. 
Will finish the past week's paper cut pieces' finale(prior to being New Orleans) tomorrow, so in the mean time here's a bird for your viewing pleasure.
Peace and fabulousness.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 90 (1186)

I'm home.  Yay?  Really enjoy it there in New Orleans. 
Peace and fabulousness

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day 89 (1185)

Oi!  Lots of walking and such... Had a major clitch but not worrying about it til tomorrow.  Seriously love this city! Adding it to the list. All that walking really creates time to think along with...blah blah.
Peace and fabulousness.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 87 (1183)

Learning, walking, cocktails and finally food!
Peace and fabulousness!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 86 (1182)

I declare today Tim Gunn day! I listened to his inspiring talk at a general session, took part in a workshop with him where we did our own Project Runway style activity with him mentoring, and he signed a book as well.   He is so genuinely kind and good hearted. I have a lot of respect for him and even more so after this day. Also met some awesome awesome people today!
Sadly only ate a muffin today, must eat tomorrow! I swear I'm one of the few people I know who comes back from a trip thinner than he left. Lol.
Tomorrow will be an actual day of workshops.
Peace and fabulousness.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 85 (1181)

Wednesday!  The next several days I'm taking it Big Easy style! Yay!
Peace and fabulousness!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 84 (1180)

Maroon 5 was amazing last night! Grades - check, lesson plans - check! All ready for the rest of the week!
Peace and fabulousness!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 83 (1179)

After a night of insomnia rushing around trying to get my grades done today and teaching, then off to a concert.  tomorrow could be a very long day. And it's usually my craziest day. Wish me luck! Today's piece I did in a parking lot in between stops on my way to the concert enjoy. Peace and fabulousness

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 82 (1178)

Got it done (kind of) and not as much snow as predicted.  Happy dance!
Peace and fabulousness.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 81 (1177)

A day of spring fever, cleaning and shopping.  Wishing I would have shaved my head sooner! ;) Tomorrow snow?!?!
Peace and fabulousness!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 80 (1176)

What an amazing Friday! This one has been a long time coming, (since September!) Great classes, then one of my students, a second grader, shaved my head with most of the school watching.  It was crazy! At one point two sides of the students gathered around me started yelling "shave his head" while the other side screamed "no". Then it shifted to "shave him bald" and the other half yelled "let him go"! Best comment was from a 1st grader who said at the end, "He didn't shave it bald except for the top". I said "Sweetie that was nature that took that away." One of my sweet 2nd graders came over and very politely asked to touch my head while others were trying to paw at it. I love our students. I then went and had a wonderful time at a barber shop. They shaved my head completely (something I've been toying with for years). My dear friends Jeff and Randy really work the look. 
Along with beard trim, it felt like the beginning stages of reemerging from the cocoon I have been in for far too long. Very freeing, tearing up just typing it. The change I've been sensing is beginning.
Peace and fabulousness

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 79 (1175)

Oh Thursday! How I do adore thee. Tee hee hee. Had a wonderful woman donate a pile of books to my classroom today all wonderful stories around stories about art written for kids. I love the generosity of people.
Tomorrow is Friday! It's also the day where I can lose this longish hair, at least for me. Been waiting since September for this day!  a second grader will cut it off, then off to the barber to check for damages and trim up the beard. Feel like I'm coming out of a cocoon! Lol. Today's piece is the second in the series. Have you figured it out?
Peace and fabulousness.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 78 (1174)

I've said before, I <3 my student art club.  Middle schoolers?  Brutal, but <3.
Started a new series today.  What is it? ;)
Peace and fabulousness

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 77 (1173)

Today's says it all.
Hoping tomorrow to start a few short nursery rhymes...
Peace and fabulousness.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 76 (1172)

Great start to the week.  My classroom is starting to get back to normal, after last week's mad rush.  Wahoo!
Peace and fabulousness.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 75 (1171)

What a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I actually got to sit outside and enjoy some of this beautiful weather. Finally. Second to last scene from Little Red Riding Hood is finished. I'm so sorry this is taking forever! But it is almost done. This week will be all about catching up on the things I have put aside the past 3 weeks so I could get all those things done. Woop.
Peace and fabulousness.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day 74 (1170)

Shopping, gift cards, sunshine, Saturday!
This Red Riding Hood piece is hopefully almost done!
Peace and fabulousness!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 73 (1169)

Whew! A day doing with art with our 4th - 6th graders and those of  a visiting school's.  240 kids.  Fun and tiring.  Also took all the art down that went up yesterday. The cafeteria looked so colorful, but never know what groups use it over the weekend and hate to see projects ruined, especially state fair bound ones. 
Glad it's the weekend! Hoping my back can settle down now, actually woke up with shouts last it had tightened up so bad.  And hoping to final get out and enjoy this weather before it goes.
Thanks Cathy for your help today!
Peace and fabulousness.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 72 (1168)

Long long long long long long day. 13 and a half hours at school. The evening went well though. Great music drama readings and artwork. Really tired so the punctuation tonight is going to be bad. One of those days where the dream: come home to somebody holding a plate of supper a Cougartown size glass of wine and a bubble bath ready to go, reality: ambien and a Triscuit lol Actually skip the Triscuit.  :) Time to sleep. Tomorrow is the student exchange must be rested up for 241 students.
Peace and fabulousness

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 71 (1167)

Stupid phone keeps deleting this! Great day today. I think I have everything ready for tomorrow night's student art show. Now I just need to get things done for the student exchange on Friday which involves 241 students. The highlight of this week, is getting to know some of my students on a deeper level. They have inspired me in a great way. I just hope I have enough steam to make it to Friday. Peace and fabulousness.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 70 (1166)

Crazy day today, with over 60 degree temps, though I enjoyed but a few minutes of. My classes were pretty good, but for every step forward I did on my to do list I ended up five steps behind. My classroom door was like a revolving door with students stopping in and out trying to find things for their projects which are due in 2 days. Smh lol.
I'm going back to the fish because I have so much moree to get done. Enjoy anyway. Peace and fabulousness.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 69 (1165)

Hel'lo Monday. Put pedal down got it down (well some of it.)
One thing learned today, I'm beyond the loop. 
Well at least winds of change are stirring.
Today's piece is one of the panel creatures that was forgotten.
Peace and fabulousness.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day 68 (1164)

After a mad Saturday, Hello beautiful Sunday! I can smell Spring in the air.
Today's piece is another panel from Little Red Riding Hood.
This is going to be an insane 2 week! A to-do list 3 pages long.  I will try and do my best with creatures, but I may have to phone a few in if there's a time crunch.  Hoping not to.  Thanks for following, my regulars! I <3 you!
Peace and fabulousness

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Day 67 (1163)

Completed all but one of the things I took home from work.  So much to say in regards to that but I will refrain ...for now.Loving the warmer temps.
Today's piece is another panel from the Little Red pieces I did, though I realized today I forgot to make few for the last two lol.  So you know what you get tomorrow!
Peace and fabulousness.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 66 (1162)

Friday! Work, work, work.
Brought a bunch home and got a lot of it done! Two major events next week planned back to back.  Who does that!? Lol.
Today's piece is for the other the 1st grade, especially the little perfectionist.
Peace and fabulousness.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 65 (1161)

Really good day. Stayed actually very focused.  I'm usually like the kids in family circus, when he shows them going one place to another.  Shiny object!
6 major things crammed into a 3 1/2  week period.  2 down 4 to go.
Today's piece "shiny object" was inspired by 1st grade's art lesson today.  Too fun..
Peace and fabulousness.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 64 (1160)

Started fixing yesterday's piece after the mishap. Did have time to do the next combination piece, which turned out nice with no mishaps.
Also was able to an anonymous good deed which was so fun! Have something planned tomorrow!
Peace and fabulousness.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 63 (1159)

Today's piece is the first of the Little Red pieces I've done assembled.
Almost got wrecked...
Peace and fabulousness.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 62 (1158)

Smh. Enough said.
Today's is Aunt Goose-ish.
Peace and fabulousness.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 61 (1157)

Phhhhhhht! One of those days where if something could go wrong it did, over and over... Thank goodness It's Monday tomorrow.... :/
still uber busy with these chairs so I didn't get the scenes from Little Red done, so I decided to keep on the Mother Goose-ish path (+ love the show Blackish) although for the first time in over 1100 days almost decided to skip a day. That's sums up the weekend.   So today It's Papa Goose-ish.
Peace and fabulousness.