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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 89: Orange

The days before any type of major break are tough. Today the students were hyper or crabby or somewhere inbetween. As the day progressed I found myself to be ebbing and flowing between those to ways of being as well. So at the end of the school day I decided to just take a mini break and do a pen and ink. I knew too that tonight I wouldn't have much time, will be busy getting ready for a small teacher gathering I'm hosting at my place, especially since I want to get to bed early tonight. Had an argument with myself as to why I had to get up this morning and almost fell back asleep in the middle of it! I am sooo looking forward to next week... time read, workout and create (and repeat)to recharge. The last quarter of the school year tends to be the most exhausting for me. Along with just teaching and the students getting cabin fever, I have the big student art show to prepare for, start shifting into director mode for the summer program and prepping student work for the State Fair,etc... Breath> Peace and fabulousness.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, dave. Wishing you a nice relaxing break!! Love this orange flame. :)
